Sunday, June 3, 2012

Divine Madness by Robert Muchamore

Divine Madness is a book about a boy called James Adams, a London boy who was an orphan at an old orphanage called Nebraska Village. He ends up getting recruited by a kid called Kyle, who turns out to be gay which in a way is telling people that anyone can be gay and you can't always tell if someone is gay or not. He gets recruited in an agency called Cherub. The plot is that a cult religion has been spotted and looks like its been going on for a few years. It is James' task as well as some other cherub recruits is to stop the cult religion. The characters are all cherub agents there are Kerry, Tye, Kyla, James, Roby and Lachlan. They all escape into differnt places like Japan, Australia, Arizona and Jamaica. In conclusion I would rate this book 4-10 Reviewed by Jack

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