Friday, November 2, 2012

Finders Keepers by Emily Rodda

Today in my bood review, you will learn who, what, when and where everythinghappens in the book by Emily Rodda, Finders Keepers. The story is about a 12 year old boy by the name of Patrick, who gets a chance to go on a quizshow that could win him a heavenly prize... A computer. And finally when the day comes, he can't get on because of a pair of joggers! Will he get on and claim his prize or sit in Misery for the rest of his life, wondering what his destiny was? You find out wehn you read the fabulous book by Emily Rodda, the author of the amazing Deltora Quest, Fidners Keepers! I would recommend this book to ages ranging from 8 to 12 as it has some harder words and is entertaining for a primary child. Reviewed by Patrick(yr4)

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