Friday, November 30, 2012

Boy in the Striped Pyjamas by John Boyne

The characters are Bruno and he is nine years old, Shmuel is a boy who lives in a strange parallel existence on the side of the adjoining wire fence and who, like the other people there, wears a uniform of striped pyjamas. Bruno is best friends with Shmuel. Who is Bruno? Is he the one that is in the striped pyjamas or is he the one who lives next door to the people in the striped pyjamas? Was Bruno born in jail? Does the friendship break out? This book is sad for a bit and then it is happy and then it is sad. People can see the movie but it is sad and people can read the book if they can read it. The sad thing is they were in World War 2 and all of the Jewish people had to go to jail. It wasn't fair that they had to go to jail. It made me cry it wasn't fair. Reviewed by Jackson Year 4G

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