Opening Song: Hello Song*
Opening Action Rhyme:
Bubble Song
Sung to the tune of "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star" (I blew bubbles)
Bubbles, bubbles everywhere
Bubbles, bubbles in the air
Bubbles, bubbles on your nose
Bubbles, bubbles on your toes
Bubbles, bubbles on the floor
Bubbles, bubbles out the door.
Welcome, Everyone
tune: Twinkle twinkle
Welcome, welcome everyone
Now you're here we'll have some fun.
First we'll clap our hands just so,
Then we'll bend and touch our toe.
Welcome, welcome everyone
Now you're here we'll have some fun.
Book: Baby parade by Rebecca O'Connell
A Farmer Went Trotting
A farmer went trotting
Bounce baby on lap
Upon his grey mare
With his daughter behind him
So rosy and fair
Then a duck cried out "Quack"
Lift baby up
And they all tumbled down
Plop baby back onto your lap
Off of the horse
And upside down!
Tip baby gently backwards!
Clap your hands
Clap your hands one, two, three
Clap your hands just like me!
Roll your hands one, two, three
Roll your hands just like me!
Wave your hands one, two,three
Wave your hands just like me!
Nod your head, one, two,three.
Nod your head just like me!
Going to Kentucky
Bounce baby
Oh' we're going to Kentucky
We're going to the fair
To see the pretty ladies
With the flowers in their hair
Shake it baby shake it!
Shake it if you can
Shake it like a milkshake
and shake it once again
Roll it to the bottom
Roll it to the top
Turn around and turn around
until I holler STOP!
Little Miss Muffet
Little Miss Muffet
sat on a tuffet
eating her curds and whey,
Down came a spider
who sat down beside her
And frightened Miss Muffet away.
Row, Row, Row Your Boat
Row, row, row your boat
gently down the stream.
Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily
life is but a dream.
Jack Be Nimble
Jack be nimble
Jack be quick
lift baby up high
The candlestick!
Bring baby back down.
Handy Spandy
Handy Spandy, sugar and candy, we all jump in
bounce baby on your knee and lift to one side on “in”
Handy Spandy, sugar and candy, we all jump out
bounce baby on your knee and lift to other side on “out”
Handy Spandy, sugar and candy, we all jump up
bounce baby on knee and lift into air on “up”
Handy Spandy, sugar and candy, we all sit down
bounce baby on knee and place on lap on “up”
CLOSING SONG: Goodbye song*
All songs, rhymes etc which are repeated every week are marked with an* and can be found at the following address:
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