Tuesday, February 14, 2012

National Year of Reading Book Review Competition

Are you 6 to 12 years old?
Would you like to win a $20 Book Voucher?

To celebrate the National Year of Reading 2012 we will be having a book review competition every month. Each month will have a different theme!
This months theme is LAUGH so you will need to write about a book that has made you laugh!

Each review must be in by the last day of the month!
You can email (libweb@wsc.nsw.gov.au) or hand in your book review to any of our libraries. Please ensure your name, address and phone number are on your review

Book reviews will be posted on our BLOG

Sunday, February 12, 2012

End of Summer Reading Club Party

Last Wednesday we had our End of Summer Reading Club Party where all participants received their certificate. We also had our major prize draw, an Ipod Nano (kindly donated by The Friends of Wingecarribee Library) along with 4 Lucky Door $25 Book vouchers.

Well done to all the boys & girls who participated in the summer reading club this summer. I hope everyone enjoyed reading over the holidays and I hope you all keep on reading. Make sure you all join our summer reading club again next summer holidays.